Monday, December 29, 2008
hello, old friend.
1:43 AM
Summer nights lit up by flashlights.
Won't you take my hand, let's get away.
On top of buildings watching all your movies, now you've got my time;
let's get away. get get get away.
okay I know I'm supposed to do the mandatory Christmas post and all, but- reality check- Christmas is over, darlings! so it doesn't really matter anyway.
But in any case. Happy birthday, baby Jesus; and thank you everyone for the lovely prezzies and Mummy and Daddy for the divine Estee Lauder makeup artiste set.
Now at the next IGGY I can wreak havoc on people's faces again. (evil laughter)
Current status: Still battling IGGY withdrawal symptoms.
...Okay; so not really battling. More like going with the flow and just moping.
I haven't felt like meeting up with people; or partying; and that is seriously weird.
I've been rewearing all the outfits I wore back at IGGY and looking at the pictures over and over again and I'm actually starting to freak myself out a little but I think alluv the IGGYians're going through the same thing.
Or at least that's what I tell myself after I've rewatched our Spice Girls vid and the clip of me teaching Joe how to say "alamak" twelve times over. Consecutively.
so to all my Singapore homies, if I've been acting weird lately, I'm really sorry and just bear with me for this period. It's gonna take some TLC but I'll be back to normal. Someday. :/
Also M, I'm sorry for bailing out on you for tonight's thing @ Howl At The Moon (kool name tho) and I'll make it up to you somehow.
ANYWAY. I digress.
... Some books reaaaally aren't like their covers.
But s'all good. Saine Leingod and Tanaquil Seregond have had some good times in Miriel's Hefty Gnome Inn and Tana's ready for a bit of the good old hack-and-saw action.
I hadn't realized I hadn't RPed in so long. OMG. Talk about rusty.
But it was great to find out that Joe R and I're actually just two big closet (or not so closet, as it would seem...) geeks and now that I've got Saine and Tanaquil wandering around in my head, the IGGY-ending-induced writers' block's beginning to go away because the two of them won't shut up, I swear.
Particularly Tanaquil.
and here are the RL-selves of Tanaquil Seregond and Saine Leingod.
yeah we have swords. fear us.
Maybe I should go back to the whole Hidden Realms thing.
EMBRACE YOUR GEEKINESS. Also geekiness / = nerdiness. Ttly different things, ftr...
I need some changes in my life right now.
Or, alternatively, some major distractions.
The only time the dull ache ever goes away is when I'm hanging out with friends or laughing (but laughter only lasts for so long and the long rides home by yourself can kill, I swear, they kill) or when I'm writing my stories and yeah, it's a good relief but how long before this escape route closes up too?
"ask and you will receive" about a distraction.
Life just suddenly became a whole lot weirder.
on the bright side, the first SRT meeting's coming up and hopefully I'll meet a coupluv kindred spirits there (?). fingers crossed.
on a not-so-bright side...
DAMN. Go away no don't stay come back talk to me you're confusing me you say you aren't but how'm I supposed to believe you? maybe it's just because you're a vague reminder in silhouette but maybe it's just because you've got a way with words and i like the way your mouth twists at the corners like you've seen too much of the world.
oh, sweetheart.
gotta love the drama.
tags for next post: gala dinner, purple feathers, womanizer!, harem, dancefloor goodbyes, bohemian rhapsody, your face when i took my luggage and turned to leave...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
hello, old friend.
11:27 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008
hello, old friend.
8:41 AM
let's burn our dreams into the skyline,
tattoo our sweat and tears forever, you and I;
According to FB, I am officially married to the hottest sistah around- Konyin Adebayor; who has now officially changed her name to Konyin Adebayor-Neo and it's official, so guys- hands off she's mine. ;P
our pseudo wedding picture. cuz we're cool like that.
(/end announcement)
IGGY Part 1.
The first/second(?) day we knew each other, I think.
Bethan, Lydia, Lisa, Cara, and Toni's forehead. (:
The first excursion Creative Writing had was to the museum.
Now I'm all for museums, but I'd been to this particular one a number of times already; so I just occupied myself by taking pictures.
Like this pseudo-CK boxer ad.
Outing to Chinatown- we had a competition to see who could smile the biggest.
I won.
At the expense of my photogenicality.
"oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hairrrr..."
Graham tries to pull a Sandi Thom.
roomie love.
Our first picture!
this was still pre-pink starz. i know: awwww.
the guyz in their sarongs at the Malay Heritage Centre.
they're bringing sexyback. yeah!
Joe's hot pink legwarmers and Toni stealing his gigantic (i kid you not) shoes.
...was awezome.
I did makeup for about five/six girls and they all looked killer. Not that they needed much work- they were already gorgeous to begin with. But I had so much fun playing around with their mascara and eyeliner (think channelling Brigitte Bardot for Lisa, and Bollywood bombshell for Sanusha, and au naturale beauty for Becca, for instance) that I barely had time to do my own.
the girls playing around with all my accessories.
my pretty little makeup creation.
Lydia (UK's future top model) and I.
Beth: "I'm like the pimp! Omg I'm like the pimp!"
Asian chicas.
so much happened at the disco.
the start of something new(?) and flinging wild limbs and caterwauling on air guitars to Bon Jovi's "It's My Life";
mass IGGY limbo! and me failing hopelessly and getting up to see the two Joes laughing at me-
"you're so small, you could just have walked under it";
dancing together with a circle of people clapping around us (i'm surprised someone didn't yell out "...not IGGYpropriate!" and sidelong glances all night and, later, tentative conversation on glossy wooden steps;
teaching people how to spin and whirl and then twirling around in his arms to Sara Bareille's Love Song like a modern day Cinderella-- flying past people and seeing everyone's faces lit up; happy; immortalized in strobe lights.
The best SM group. Ever. I miss you guys.
tags for upcoming next post:
city skyline, the nutcracker, we are all animals, saphi pose, sisterhood of the feathery earrings, fingers twining into fingers like secrets.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
hello, old friend.
3:33 AM
before I start uploading pictures of what actually happened at IGGY,
I want these people to know that I miss them and love them:
The best roomie anyone could ever ask for. It IS pretty amazing how our room stayed in one piece, seeing as how it was ravaged by Hurricane Toni and Hurricane Cara over the course of 2 weeks. You mean the world to me and in a way I'm going to miss looking out for you. You always know how to make me laugh and even though it gets a little confusing being on your rollercoaster of emotions sometimes, you know I've always got your back. You're beautiful and complex and hey slow down you crazy child; you're so ambitious for a juvenile...
I love you. Stay strong.
I know that most of the time people probably just peg you as a pretty face and model's body and sometimes they just stop there. But the two weeks I've spent with you has let me see that you're beautiful out AND in. Under all that poshness (I love you for it) is one of the sweetest, most loving personalities I've known and I'll never forget how we held each other's hands and cried when we were recreating our very first SM meeting. I love you, Uptown Girl.
I've gotta confess that I was a leetle scared of you at first- with your punk rcker clothes and your dark eyeliner (I know, I know, I should speak for myself) and your Avril Lavigne 'tude. But under all of that you're amazing and witty and funny and I actually miss hearing your accent and understanding about 11% of what you say. (it got better after the 5th day)You've spoilt Paramore and Avril Lavigne and Evanescence for me but I still love you TONZ. ps we two know the real power of cool caps. ;)
I can't believe we didn't talk to each other before!
Yes, little vintage bunny. Like I said on FB- I'll always be the Morticia Addams/Nicole Scherzinger(as Ruo Ting says) and you'll always be the pure, sweet, innocent little thing that you are BUT I KNOW THAT UNDER THAT INNOCENT EXTERIOR LIES SOMETHING DARKER. and a lot of innuendo HAHAHA you and Joe never fail to crack me up. We've become like sisters and I don't want to lose that. See you around in school, lovely.
You're an amazing combination of fun and groundedness and I've always admired that. You had to leave us early ): but we had so much fun together. I'll never forget all the guy stories you shared with us during those late night (and illegal!!!) sleepovers. You're my wake-up-in-the-morning-with-a-sexy-hoarse-voice buddy and I love you and miss you lots.
MY FELLOW GOSSIP GIRL/COACH BUDDY <3 I miss you so much right now, you've no idea what I'd do just for another of our goss sessions. I don't miss you teasing me bout being related to half the animal kingdom, though, cuz obviously I'm not. But I miss you nonetheless. Remember our yellow taxi game? (I won) and asking your ipod questions and getting scarily accurate answers (Eyes Wide Open; Shut Your Eyes ROFL!) and our speshul code words: Tipex,Fishing, Mike, Blue Crayon. I love you.
You haven't put the pictures up on FB yet but I understand. It's hard to look back on the past two weeks without feeling absolutely depressed because we're all back home now and IGGY's over. But I guess what I want to say is: I don't regret any of it. You've been an awesome roomie and I'll miss you asking me for fashion advice and I'll miss your scones and your "this dress or this dress?"/"with jeans or not?"/"what should I wear this with?". You've been absolutely amazing and you've put up with my (occasional) airheadedness and I guess what it boils down to is that ily.
I miss you so much right now. I miss the way you'd scream "CARAAAA" and how you were so possessive and how I'd blow air kisses to you. Remember our dirty dancing and the mortifying nose-banging incident OMG. I'm surprised we didn't get nosebleeds. You're a real wild child but I love you for it. Look after my bra and remember me when you wear it. x
Gosh I miss you three sooo much right now; you have no idea. I miss seeing you guys struggle with writing with the gigantic Singapore pens I got y'all and forced y'all to write poetry with. I miss Joe's silliness and Julian's cynicism and Sid's smart-but-niceness. I miss Joe's cap. I miss Julian's aversion to being in photographs. I miss Sid's hugs. I even miss the revolting way you guys eat lunch, which is saying something.
Who else but The Dysfunctional Family would've bonded over topics like Does God Exist? and marijuana and hashish? Who else would spend half an hour debating fervently over religion and get all fired up but still be friends at the end of it all?
I don't care if this is mushy- I love you guys and I miss you so much. Wish y'all were here.
hey you. I'm not quite sure how you wormed your way into my IGGY experience, cuz if I recall, on the first day we were at CW you kinda gave me monosyllabic answers and I thought you were completely disinterested. But as Fate would have it- we ended up getting really close and we had a blast together yeah? I miss your smelly old cap and you stealing my nice clean one off my head and you teasing me bout being short. I'll never forget the goofy grin you got on your face when we started talking about hashish and our sekrit but not v discreet fingerhold under cushions in CW class during the talk about the Fibonacci sequence and you dancing with me at gala so ____ wouldn't get to me OMG. Remember: pink star wristband! and I'll see you when I see you. x
it's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.