Sunday, June 28, 2009
hello, old friend.
5:58 AM
CTs start tomorrow.
Knowing me, I'll probably get into bed at 11pm, and only get to sleep at about 1am because I'll be making trips in and out of bed checking this and zipping that and writing "CARA, REMEMBER TO:" notes on bits of paper and checking rechecking rererechecking books lists compartments taps keys locks windows
...yeah. Because I'm an OCD kid like that.
Hhhokay. Let's see what we've got on our hands.
Monday: Econs & GP
Tuesday: Maths ( *sings* I will go downnnn with this ship*)
Wednesday: International History, South East Asian History
Thursday: Literature
I can do this.
I will do this.
I...must do this cuz I've got no other choice anyway. :/
Today was nice- kicked off the morning with breakfast at McCafe with the cell kidz.
Our cell = awesome
McAnything = not so awesome.
So I was going to be all British and get a tea and see if this generic "tea" was the same as the "tea tea" that somebody's always on about; but they were out so I had the usual black java. Straight up, no milk no sugar.
"Okay guys move over and give a seat; Cara's back with her noxious black diesel" --> Lisa, whenever I arrive back at the DWL table with my usual black coffee.
So yeah brekkie. Gave the girls their cocoa handcreams and then we got Happy Meals and we started playing with the Ice Age toys and putting lighters to them, and talking about Lady GaGa's concert and if we should go and Manda wants to go dressed as Lady GaGa and "Just Dance"
if you do I swear I'll put a P-p-p-poker in your Face.
Bilingual service was actually fun.
Before we went in, we had to get our temperatures taken by the ushers at the door, and they weren't using the conventional thermometers; they were using these Things that looked like Stormtrooper stun guns
and I didn't know.
So I stepped into service; and this unassuming-looking lady came up to me, smiling, and put this gun thing to my head
and for a second I was all "...omg. I'm about to be shot. In a church. Front page headlines heeeere we come"
but then she clicked the little trigger button and my head stayed on my neck and then I realized it was just a funky-looking thermometer.
So all was good.
We all smooshed into one pew for service, and it was twice as long as usual, because they would say one thing in English, and the translator would repeat it in Chinese, twas cool.
And honestly, at that very moment- standing there amidst the singing clapping general worshipful celebrating; I don't think I'd have wanted to be any place else.
Party in Ibiza? No thanks I'll stick to service in Christ Sanctuary.
I felt so. damn. loved. By God, friends...everything. everyone.
June passed around mints and they were cross-shaped, which I found incredibly funny.
And during the last song, June Manda and I were doing this impromptu little pitchfork semi-dance in the pews and I was half-curled up with laughter because the song sounded uncannily like "Fuck The British Army", only it wasn't, and was in Chinese.
And then sometime during the enthusiastic pew-dancing my bag must've fallen on the floor, because that's where my black bra ended up from where I had shoved it into my bag the night before I left for the Cragg's in case I might need it;
and after service Amanda goes "O_O OMG CARE THERE'S A BRA UNDER THE CHURCH PEW"
and we both look over in consternation and Godly horror, with all these sacrilegious possible scenarios running through our heads and I realize "...oh. that's mine."
Lunched with the cell, discussed with Manda about how marriage/pregnancy is a v v scary thing and neither of us really want it; and formulated our backup plan to live together in some snazzy old penthouse next time and live on wine and good conversation and never have to see the sticky front foldup part of a nappy, thank you very much.
Bussed back with Debz and talked about faith/God/unconventional boyfriends/being on the fringe/drifting. It's kinda nice to have someone who kinda knows kinda how I feel.
Plus we both love obscure music/wear copious amounts of eyeliner/live...high so that helps with the whole "i know how you feel/we are sisters/ sisters; all the same" Mary J.Blige thing
but COURSE we're not "all the same" cuz we're damn rebels, aren't we, D?
Conventionality; chh who needs it. yeah.
Today was a very talky day. I feel v deep and intellectual now kthx.
And now I intend to stay up revising for Econs and GP like the exemplary little girl in grey that I am.
So I go now, I go, I go.
I've written out a whole list of Things I Want To Do After CTs...and is it sad that I can rattle off every single thing from that damned list by heart; but can't remember in which order the Truman Doctrine, Iron Curtain Speech, Marshall Plan, and Kennan's Long Telegram came in?
Yeah thought so.
Adios, amigos.
Friday, June 26, 2009
hello, old friend.
8:51 AM
Tonight my hands are shaking and I'm moving too quickly. I'm shivering hot and cold by turn and it's 29 degrees out.
...This one's my battle.
I've been swinging from the graffitied hallelujah arches for so long that I'd almost forgotten what was written in the little black book: nothing is constant.
we dance on a constant kaleidoscope of human tectonics and I need to relearn the moves.
paint words like "strength", "freedom", "transiency", "beauty" across my cheekbones like silent war chants. fly the flag of a generation who so often forgets. so often hurts so much for it
but tomorrow's a new day and the sun's rising red.
city skyscraper skyline spells out
hello, old friend.
7:59 AM
well it takes one to know one.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
hello, old friend.
6:20 AM
"when my momma says I look good in white
I'm gonna be ready this time
ready ready ready ready; ready to run"
hello, old friend.
12:18 AM
", like. i'm kind of tired."
This self-imposed mechanicalism is killing me.
Just a few days more; just a few days more- and it'll be over.
I feel disgustingly underprepared. I read and read and read and nothing seems to be getting in. Spend the day working out the radius of ellipses and why there can be no values between two integers (define) in a hyperbola and reading about Pax This Pax This and angry dead people.
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Have fun in Brunei, luv! Say hello to all the Brunei IGGYians for me!!!
Remember the little people when you're almost famous. ;)
Nobody wants to hang out with me because I returned from Australia a few days ago;
So be that way.
I shall quarantine myself and stay away and knock two wooden sticks against each other when I go out into the streets shouting "PARIAH PARIAH"
Today I was on the way out to return WJ her blue Maths book when I passed one of the houses in our neighbourhood. It's got a blue roof and lots of windows and used to have an expensive convertible and a sleek little motorcycle in the garage; and a few times when I was on my way back home from school I'd catch a buzz of music and the purring of a dangerous engine and turn around to see the son of the Blue House speeding past me in the convertible, with the top down and his hand draped out of one window and a smile like rock and roll.
I remember thinking "what a beautiful boy" because he was; he looked like he should be in magazines in black and white- and his sister was as lovely and as unreachable and perched on the other side of the car with her hair blowing back and her eyes hidden behind oversized dark glasses.
So I've been on vacation and away from the Blue House for a while, yeah, so today I walk past it and see that in front of the house
there is a big Police sign that reads:
The roof was still blue.
But all the windows were closed now and the expensive little car and the motorcycle weren't in the garage anymore.
...I guess one day the beautiful boy turned his music on too loud and went a little too fast and maybe turned to smile at his beautiful sister for just a little too long.
So R.I.P.
You were pretty while you were alive.
Okay okay Cara enough of the maudlinism.
I have plenty of things to be happy about.
Like...the weather. It's not heatwaving for once and THE SUN IS GONE :D
And the One Month And A Day!!! till I pick up my travel bag and fly far, far away.
And the awesomeness of defying status quos and getting better at what we have.
And, um, friends. Who are doubtless studying harder than I am at this moment but just give me five minutes and it'll be back to studying the redirection of American policy and the Truman Doctrine for me, don't worry.
And vanilla almond cereal, and pink leopard print socks, and the smell of candy floss from the kitchen.
it's been half an hour and I'm not back to redirection of American policy and Truman Doctrine yet.
I've got a grade to pull up!
Monday, June 22, 2009
hello, old friend.
9:48 AM
you see the thing is: I'm learning to think for myself
look past the television screens in your eyes; the radio static on your lips
that says "this is truth" and dispatches it across the hungry nation like cans of baked beans
but I've got no appetite for being fucked with/
...seventeen, now.
that's not too little, is it? not too young?
got the scars and the bruises from when i fell and you didn't catch me
so don't you say you can't reach your hands across continents, no,
don't you say the distance'll break your bones.
so here's the thing:
i'll take consequence like a bullet to the brain
i'll take regret like i married it.
this is me running out of the back door in a gypsy skirt and loud lipstick
punch-drunk on life
dare you to sober me up
i dare you
i dare you
i dare.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
hello, old friend.
2:33 AM
Suburban Arizona as the summer days pass
I met a traffic warden who had eyes of glass
and I walked along beside him, and I cannot lie
But something in that gaze seemed to electrify
He said "hey you're young you're tragic
you've got consequence to spare
You should arabesque in traffic
it's a deathwish dare
I'll turn all the city lights a Minnesota green
so the cars will stop and watch you like a fairy queen
who sings God Save Old Bohemia as she breathes her last"
Said the warden with the otherworldly eyes of glass
Friday, June 19, 2009
hello, old friend.
10:01 PM
So, today.
I was GOING to start on Math, but then I figured since Econs is the first exam I should probably do that instead, so I did, and then I was going to do Math but I figured I needed some burnin', so I exercised, and then I was going to do Math but I flipped to the first page and died.
Goodbye, grades.
Thank goodness for Lisa, who can always be relied on to send a stress-alleviating text message exchange. Discussed library affairs, long distance affairs, candy, and the IGGY girlie sleepover that Lyn wants to plan before I leave for the UK.
Edited text exchange. Because we're all about the censorship, here in Singapore.
L: "Hahah okay you're on, honey. We'll go out to la perla before that and get you something. Just in case."
C: "Yes I suppose twould be rather embarrassing to be caught without a bra on.
Problem with having a boyfriend- you actually have to wear bras and silly things like that"
...the sacrifices we make.
I miss Lisa. And Amrit, who can always be relied on to comment the weirdest, most raaaandom things on my FB photos,
so that I get gmail notifications saying that Amrit Tiwana Commented On Your Photograph:
"this pic just makes me think Amrit. 80. Crossing the road with like dirty old boots and like a billion scarves and like me cat.
you know.deranged batty old lady. Looney. People staring. Some looking on in fear and the others amused.
And then cara who has half lost it herself grabs me by the shoulders and screams in a crazy ass thick irish accent 'there is the light billlllayy'.
and then i snarl and laugh like a maniac.and i belch out..............THE KOREAN WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
muahahahahahaha. and then cara turns around and wails. and then she turns to lynna and sees the sweater thingy shes carrying and snatches it and screeeeches gimme me pullover. gimme me rugbay pulllover. gimmme me purple striped british airways flown feckin jersey. and kills lynna in the process.
the end.:)"
...and I read that and just kinda goggle O_O at the screen for five seconds.
And then contemplate responding to the FB comment; but eventually decide against it, because really-- what CAN you say in the face of such ingenuity?
I also miss the DWL Society- hope your mugging has being yielding better results than mine!!
I'm so sorry y'all; at the rate my studying seems to be going- you guys're gonna hafta move on to J2 without me.
This is the part where deep inside, a little part of me kinda semi wishes that the 'rents had packed us up and moved to the US when we were supposed to. That way, I could be in some obscure high school learning- oh, idk- addition and multiplication.
Instead of fraying my last nerve on Conics and Transformation, OAS Rio Pact Proxy War Economies of Scale Wage Differentials Productivity- Geographical Occupational AURHPA()ROIARLJDKL)(**$#lk.
Also. Spending four hours MSNing with The Lieutenant is not doing much for my grades. :P
Especially when I'm trying to multitask by typing out History notes and MSNing simultaneously, and Joe goes "...have you still got that random bit of purple hair?" and says he liked it and I get distracted and end up typing something on Microsoft Word like:
"Impact of WW2 and JO on the Malayan Nationalist Movement:
- Boosted Malay nationalist consciousness
- Removed colonial oppression
- Challenged the myth of random bit of purple hair"
Late night mugging, tonight. Thank God for coffee, which >>>> tea btw; yes, even tea tea, and Lyn: ...eeeeven honeysuckle white tea. With sugar.
Pre-Common-Test period: the absolute pits. I is a sad sad individual.
...on an irrelevant side note; Gmail notification informs me that I have just received Digest Issue 579 from the Christian Elf Community.
Note to self: Unsubscribe, and stop talking to Merewyn and Natan Elwin of The Forecastle of Ilsaluntë Valion.
Head back in the Real World, girlie.
Okay now Amrit's on the phone.
Love you all bai.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
hello, old friend.
8:48 AM
I'm backI'm alive...HI. :DSo. Will give a quick summary of what's been happening. Pictures up at a later date, if Photobucket doesn't die on me. ...And believe you me; it will. Technology has the most annoying way of curling up and dying in my hands. Point of Evidence #1: At St John's Island AquariumCara: *takes pictures, hangs camera around neck*"Ooh look, fish in tank. "*leans over tank**camera --> dipped --> dies*POE #2: On Superstar Virgo, in the washroom cubicleCara: *turns to door handle, to get handbag**walkie talkie hanging on hip drops into the washroom bowl*"...Damn. "POE #3: On Superstar Virgo, out of the washroom cubicleCara: *washing hands, and on phone*" ...Mum? Yeah, it's me, Cara. I'm sorry...I think I kinduv...dropped the walkie talkie into the washroom bowl. ...yeah. ...yeah. I'm sorry. What did you say?"*momentary fumble**phone drops into full sink*"...Damn!!!"And then my iPod crashed out on me, so I borrowed Mum's for Australia; and then when we were there, I pressed the On button and then it made a funny little dying whirring noise, and then a picture of a little dead iPod (no, no kidding; it even had X_Xs for eyes) showed up on the screen and I'm like " ... D: WHYYYY GOD"So yeah. Digressing. Pics at a later date. Trip to Australia was tres tres awesome, if v.cold--> look, 10 degrees celcius IS cold, no matter what you Brits say. Was bundled up in gloves leggings socks boots top beret scarf furry coat most of the time and this one time we went into Subway, and I started laughing because there I was, all ready for the North Pole; and the guy next to me was wearing a singlet and boardshorts. Oh yeah must be something in the water. Dropped half a size and became two skintones fairer; which is weird, because I was quite expecting the opposite, actually. I mean- it WAS a summer vacation, after all. And family holidays aren't really Tone Up Central. Or maybe s'just because I've been draped in winter fashions for so long that I'd forgotten I actually have curves"ooh, look, a waistline"Did LOTS AND LOTS of shopping. Australia's economy has Mummy and me to thank. We stayed in three places: 1) Ascot Quays2) the Beach House3) the Mist OverThe Beach House was great- we literally had the sea in our backyard. Very awesome. Also very cold. The Mist Over was one of the properties on this huuuuuuge sprawling plot of land. My gosh. I don't think I've ever seen that much s p a c e, it was crazy. So basically it was the simple life for us-- running around outside, chasing kangaroos, exploring the forest, helping make dinner--- I am proud to announce that I have added scrambled eggs and salad to my cooking repertoire!!! ...yeah whatever. Look- it's still a Level Up from toast and microwaved instant noodles.One Day I'll progress to instant Jello mix. You'll see. All of you.Drove around to a lot of the little towns. They all end with the prefix "-up". Useless Piece of Trivia #347: Apparently it's Aboriginese for "watering hole". Dad: *reading off roadsigns* ...Yallingup. Mum: Meelup. Jon: Cowmarup. Jana: Wilyarabrup. Cara: *annoyed* ....Oh, shut up. Siblings, over the course of our stay, acquired a pseudo semi Auzzie accent, as did Dad; Dad said "...thonks, moite" to the guy at the counter and when Daddy'd turned to leave, I swear the guy positively goggled"...them crazy Asians!!"...yeah see my family seems to have a slight problem with Australian pronunciation. We wanted to get tickets to a place called "Ngilgi Caves"; only the name being Aboriginal and all, we weren't quite sure how to pronounce it so my mum goes up to the ticket counter and asks for "five tickets to Niggly Caves, please"and she just gets this o_O eh? look. My dad wasn't much better- he goes "Nee-geel-gee"Eventually we found out that it wasn't Neegeelgee, and it wasn't Niggly-- twas pronounced Nil-gee.Go figure.Visited Providore for gourmet food sampling, visited the Chocolate Factory but I didn't much like the free samples of chocolate; but my brother, being typically Singaporean, stowed away about 2kg of chocolate chip samples in his jacket pockets and made himself sick with the stuff afterwardsClimbed Canal Rocks, and the Lighthouse, the godparents and Rachel and Marcus came over to the Mist Over to stay, cuz we had spare rooms, shopping etc etc etc. Okay abrupt, I know, but it's also midnight and I'm tired. Damn unproductivity. More when I've pumped up the sleep hours. Night.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
hello, old friend.
8:27 AM
"...and nuke is the new colour of the season"
2nd day of the ASEAN DHS Summit:
...was a little less lustrous than the first, but still fun.
Mingled a little more with the rest of the Social Development Council today. Talked to Brunei girl (we had waffles together for lunch) and realized that we're both actually pretty nice people but we each thought the other was incredibly intimidating; which would explain why we both spent the whole of the committee session yesterday just eyeballing each other from across the tables.
I also...apparently intimidated people when I first walked into the room.
I am a nice person.
I like My Little Ponies.
...So what if I have nuclear bombs and the capacity to obliterate most of the Western hemisphere?
I swear; it's the formal white shirt- it does things for you.
Crisis session started off as an absolute BORE-
because the crisis at hand was that of a rice virus affecting crops in India Thailand Vietnam; and of course, as North Korea, being the self sufficient (read: isolated, protectionist) state that we are, are not affected in the least.
So for the few few hours or so, we basically lounged around in our seats while the rest of the other country's delegations swarmed to the front of the lecture theater and started aggressive looking conversation with each other.
While the rest of the world debates over the Asian rice crisis; North Korea plays scissors paper stone.
After a while, the waiting around and doing nothing started getting to our heads, I swear, braindeadness.
Jeremy: So is there really nothing North Korea can do?!
Xue Min: Nope.
Jeremy: ...WTF?!
Faris: *turns to Nush* *earnestly*...What does WTF stand for? Which organization?
...HAHA. Poor Faris.
He claims that all the politicky names (WHO, UNICEF, ASEAN, TAC etc) had totally confuzzled him so it wasn't his fault.
It started getting interesting, though, when we- the delegation of North Korea- decided it was time we stopped lounging around and took a stand instead.
"...the Democratic Party of the Republic of Korea demands an apology from the United States of America
...if not WE WILL BOMB YOU"
...Oh yeah. Works every time, that one.
Later on, being the rogue state that we are-- we decided to form an alliance of ASEAN member states to oppose the resolution being passed, because all the sponsors (save Singapore) were Western Powers and where's the ASEAN interest in that? We've escaped one age of colonialism- let's not enter into another one of neo-imperialism.
So yeah. We joined forces with South Korea- historical moment; applause please- and formed the new UK: the United Korea. Cuz we're cool like that.
And then we started writing and passing notes of persuasion to other ASEAN states- mainly, Cambodia China Brunei Laos Indonesia Malaysia- to join our newly forged alliance against the Western Powers and subsequent lack of ASEAN representation.
'Dear *insert ASEAN member state here*,
Implementation of the resolution proposed will send us teetering on the brink of a new age of Western imperialism; this time far subtler, and thus far more alarming.
We urge you to closely examine the list of sponsors. Save for one, the list is dominated by Western powers which are not a part of ASEAN itself. These countries do not have the knowledge nor experience to handle the delicate situation of a crisis in countries of circumstances vastly different than that of their own. We then question- will a resolution drafted and driven by these Western powers truly reflect and protect the real needs and interests of ASEAN?
It may be argued that ASEAN member states should accede to this resolution, in order to benefit from the subsequent aid provided by the Western powers. However, US and Russia- the main beneficiaries- have already established explicitly that they will not be providing struggling countries with any form of financial aid. Where then is the incentive for voting 'yes' to this resolution?
Human aid? Personnel for research into this pressing crisis? ...ASEAN states ALREADY HAVE THIS EXISTING CAPACITY. Hell- the Western Powers SOURCE their foreign talent from us.
We implore you, therefore, to rally yourself with the alliance of North and South Korea, in voting 'no' against the proposed resolution. By asserting our voice as a united ASEAN alliance body, we can continue to work together in pursuing the materialization of true ASEAN interests.
- North Korea"
Indonesia's response: "...Long live Kim Jong Il!!"
Laos' response: "Whoever wrote this note- you have pretty handwriting. Free this Sunday?" which I grabbed a pen and scribbled back in response:
"...the back of the North Korean Embassy. 7PM. Be there."
Ohh yeah.
Gotta love diplomatic alliances.
And now- off to read about sanctions, and the ASEAN Council Resolutions, and to persuade a certain British Lieutenant that yes, ASEAN states >>> UK.
NOTHING can come against the new US UK --> Uncooperative States of United Koreas.
All hail our Great Leader.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
hello, old friend.
5:46 AM
"...Salute our Great Leader or we'll nuke you!!!"
Representing North Korea is fun; you automatically get license to do just about anything.
Show up in less-than-formal clothes? ...Yeah, that's just N Korea again.
Wear heeled boots instead of the required black court shoes? ...Yeah, N Korea, whaddya expect.
Make overtly sweeping statements/burst out into tyrannical laughter in the middle of the dialogue session/make ridiculous claims and arguments? ...Yeah, it's N Korea. Duh.
...and if you don't like anything we do?
So yeah.
The first day of the ASEAN summit went pretty well, even though I had to leave early for SYF emcee training.
Rolled out of bed at 5am and into shirt dark trousers and boots, into a cab, ended up at Dunman High.
Met an old kindergarten friend! Hi Rebeccaaaaaa.
We were the absolute worst enemies back then when we were five, I swear; we hated each other's guts.
It was funny, though, finally meeting again after all those years (and feuds).
"I knew it was you! I remember your eyes"
Don't think I used half as much eyeliner back then, but okay.
Was admittedly struggling to stay awake during the first bit, but things got interesting during the Council Meetings.
...Darnded Brunei was glaring at me throughout the whole proceedings.
Well, on behalf of N Korea, I'm sorraye. What'd we ever do to you? (except arm ourselves with nuclear weapons, sign the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and subsequently declare our signage redundant, plan to launch missiles from both our coasts, etc)
I tried smiling back but nuuuu. Got an eyeful of evil for all my diplomatic efforts.
So fine, be that way, see if I care. Be careful or WE WILL NUKE YOU and you'll soon find all your oilfields've turned into petroleum gas.
Liased with US and China, v interesting topics brought up.
Also learnt new terms like "unmoderated caucus". At first I thought that meant something like an unattended corpse, but it turns out it just means free discussion for all.
Then I had to leave. Fingers crossed for tomorrow-- I hope I didn't miss too much!!
Showed up for SYF emcee training; we had to go up in pairs and ad lib stuff-- right out of our heads!
So Lisa and I were told to adlib an emcee bit for a choir recital, and when it came to me I got a brainblock, and and ohhh... ):
Me: "At the end of this year, ladies and gentlemen- the NJC choir will also be travelling to Italy!! for, uh...uh...the concert...the showcase, uh...the International Festival... of... Singing Children."
*gives self a wtfudge?! look*
Annie wasn't much luckier, either. :P
"...As a member of the Raffles Junior College tarts.."
*realizes* O_O
"....Arts! I meant Arts!!"
Then we all had to read a poem about a Major-General, and there was this one line that I got to read that went something like "...I know the kings of England" and I said it with mucho gusto and Lisa was smirking to herself in the corner.
Okay so maybe I don't exactly know the kings of England; but I do know a Lieutenant J.Rolleston and a Flight Master Commander Quacktag Ross and a Lord Sean.
That counts, right?
...Mhm, so.
That, in short, sums up my bizzy bizzy day.
I'm really feelin' the school holiday spirit here.
Till next time; over and out.
Monday, June 1, 2009
hello, old friend.
7:01 AM
got them bedroom eyes on
and you're looking dirty sweet;
because you find you need a stimulant to survive
and the street's ours. seventeen but with nine lives.
"Vida, la Cienne!"
...roughly translated?
"live, bitch!!"
Showed up in costume.
Blair Waldorf, Asia's answer to Serena VDW, Gypsy Grrrl, Lily Allen, Marilyn Monroe, Aphrodite.
Sunday nights: no pews no cathedral bells no choir girls with dirty knees.
Just this, the now, the here.
Headed down to Clarke Quay and walked the streets with our alibis.
Siren-red sunglasses at ten o'clock at night? Anything goes.
"the best thing about nighttime and adrenaline and places like this is that you can be whoever the hell you want and nobody cares. nobody knows."
It was funny, we walked the quay and attracted lots of curious gazes- step left right left, all we were missing was the grrrrrl-empowered soundtrack. Move overrrr, SATC; new kidz on the block and they're coked up on cooped up friday nights and too much grey.
Coaxed the little man selling Turkish icecream to come out from behind his pushcart stall and pose for pictures with us. He was adamant at first and I only realised why AFTER he stepped out-- he was shorter than me!! ...Like, a head shorter, or two, and considering I'm not exceptionally vertically endowed, that's saying quite a lot.
Tbf I do have Steve Madden to thank, in part; but stillll.
"you need to grow to be five foot three", poppycock, Lt J.Rolleston, I defy you.
*points upwards* Picture taken at the (in)famous Hooters.
Amrit even went as far as to enquire about job requisites.
Hooter girl: "oh yes, working at Hooters is fun, loving, and enjoyable".
...yeeaah, I'm sorry. VERY loving, and VERY enjoyable.
Lisa was giving us the "...ohhh God will make you atone for your sins" look almost the whole way through, and clutching onto Lynna's hand.
Lisa darling we're not bad people! La vida la vida la vi-bloody-la, petite cherie. :D
So after a while, Lisa headed back off home--
Lisa: Bye!
Us: Bye!
Cara: Be safe!
Amrit: Call us if you get raped!
Lisa: *gives us the how-the-hell-is-that-supposed-to-reassure-me look*
-- and the rest of us continued on our way.
Persian restaurant, nightbreeze, the waiter with the dark brooding gaze and the swarthy exotic complexion and the moody, silky voice whose name was...wait for it...
His name might as well have been Bob, for all it was worth.
Whyyyyy Sam whyyyy. You deserve to have a way more glamorous name like Aladdin Bin Mohammed El Shakur Azlair. Or something.
Aaanyway. I digress. So we sat down, ordered drinks, realized the Flying Dutchman was sitting two tables across from us, brought out the bloodred lipstick and the redundant sunglasses, spent the next half hour/hour? or so being dragons and generally acting stupid.
Especially Amrit.
...yes, lovey.
Moving on: Sunday night jam session at the Crazy Elephant!!!
I love rock n'roll.
We got up to dance in the middle of everything and then suddenly this odd guy came gyrating over to us and gave us his sunglasses to wear in return for Kirstin's cute checked ones; we were more than happy to make the swop since his were D&G and Kirstin's had cost her about $5.
At first I thought he was just a chappie in a really good mood, and then I realized he was pretty drunk. That was around the time he started dancing around our table while the rest of the patrons watched (...oh yeah, better than late night telly, us) and demanded that we all put red lipstick on him, and mascara, and "makeup I want more of your makeup".
Never touching that tube of lippie again.
worn out from the night's events
city girls drape like tired paperdolls over each other's laps--
curls wild, sleeves dishevelled, fire-engine red lips smouldering and smudged from too much laughing and latenight Red Bull.
La Vida, Cienne.
...Seventeen and immortal; or at least till midnight.