...I'm packed.
hello, old friend.
4:53 AM
"...This is superficial.
But it's just- we want to escape.
In our heads; we're already gone."
- Lisa
diary excerpt #137:
It's a little bit funny and a little bit sad that under different borders, in a different time, in different clothes- maybe; maybe...we could have all been rockstars and movie gods and youth-quaking beatnik children.
In this parallel, unfettered universe,
We'd live forever in candid black and white photographs scattered around the musty linoleum of our Lower East Side, industrial bohemian-type apartment that we'd barely manage to cough up the rent for every month.
We'd live on Campbell's and black coffee and strawberry jello and words and too little sleep because we'd be up all night, every night, talking about the great glorious beckoning thing that is the Future. A Future not defined by social conventions or familial expectations or the cold concrete hand of a cold concrete city. A Future that would be uncertain and flickering and probably one hell of a ride-- but it'd be beautiful because that uncertain, wavering nightmare would be ours.
We'd celebrate every holiday on the calendar.
We'd hang from the parapets dangling handtowels at passersby screaming "WE ARE JACK'S BROKEN HEART"
We'd sleep in the bathtubs and cook five course microwave dinners in the bedrooms.
We'd sketch miniature Antarcticas on the window panes and doodle faces on all the light sockets and not one inch of wall would be bare because they'd be completely covered, completely filled with poetry.
...We'd be poor and lost and catastrophic and deeply in debt and burning out by the second---
but we'd be alive. Well and truly alive.
...and in the end; that's all that really counts, isn't it?
Friday, July 17, 2009
hello, old friend.
5:05 AM
everything is magic until it becomes routine.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
hello, old friend.
5:53 AM
...Which very nicely coincided with our random, spur-of-the-moment "hey let's be nerds tomorrow" shindig; so everything worked out.
I walked into the Econs lecture theatre first thing in the morning and was greeted by five pairs of balefully accusing eyes.
"...you're not wearing your glassessss!"
No, because I don't NEED them. But I brought them. Even though they were just big black frames with no lenses.
Maths results back today were...horrible. :/
Passed; but it was hardly the B we all were kind of expecting.
Josh and I were trying to predict what our results would spell out (for the uninitiated, aka non-Singaporean-students, lucky things; from best to worst --> A, B, C, D, E, S, U. "S" for "sub-pass", and "U" being "ungraded" and therefore a euphemism for "oh you big fat loser".)
Josh predicts he'll get D E A D.
I predict worse for myself; I foresee a D U D E.
Or maybe we'll all just get D U D S because obviously they're trying to get some kind of message across to us.
Mr Tan: (during Math class) On the bright side; 81.4% of the cohort passed Math. :)
Cara: *darkly, aside* Well I bet I'm one of the other 19.6%.
Tisha: ....
Cara: ...18.6%. Yeah okay that settles it I failed.
Oh and Josh you should really brush up on your pronunciation skillz.
Carol: *plucks a random strand of hair from the tabletop* ...Eww! Cara!!
Cara: What! It's not mine! *points* It's Joan's!
Joan: It's not mine!
Josh: ...Fine, fine, fine. I'll say it's mine, okay? I'll take the rape for you guys.
Cara: O_O
Joan: O_O
Carol: O_O
Everyone else: O_O
Cara: ...Sorry, what?
Josh: I said blame it on me. I'll take the rape.
Josh darling; it's pronounced "REP".
This is why we love you. :P
Filmed random caricatured Singaporean student scenez (kiasu-ism + inability to pronounce. If you're an IGGY kid reading this- google "kiasu" if you've got no idea what I'm yaddling on about) in the canteen, much to the bemusement of everyone else there, speshully when we filmed ourselves hobbling into the canteen, complete with two pigtails and nerd glasses and a helluva heavy bag + our weight in schoolbooks, and fighting and barging to sit at the table first because "OH MY GOSH WAN MATZ STARTZ IN FY MINIS" (translation: Oh my gosh, Maths starts in five minutes)
Videos up on FB soon. I think.
Lesson in How To Butcher Pronunciation #1.
(in character):
Cara: Ehh. Can I bolloh you your pen? (trans: Eh. Can I borrow your pen?)
Amrit: Wah you wan me bolloh you my pen ah. This one veh veh eggspensee you know. (trans: Wah, you want to borrow my pen? This one's very expensive, y'know.)
Cara: The ninety cent one issit? (trans: The ninety cents one, is it?)
Amrit: One doller fy sen. (trans: One dollar five cents.)
Cara: Wah. (trans: Wah.)
Yeah okay I'm not feeling too well right now so I'm going to close just about here.
Tomorrow marks NINE DAYS! Which izzzz single digits. Exciting.
I'd better not fall properly ill around this time or I'll srsly kick myself, I swear.
Anticipation asphyxiation aspirination?
We studied again today. Hardworking. I know!
Only Josh's blog had to go and give it aaaall away: "Maths, Econs, Lit...diary???"
I swears it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
hello, old friend.
4:23 AM
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them,
but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things...
they push the human race forward,
and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius,
because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,
are the ones who do."
And then I can start counting down, millenium style.
I'm not actually Here right now- I walk to school and back from it and to everywhere else with this distant look in my eye because I'm not living here; ...I'm living eleven days from now and it's an awesome view from there.
Today the DWL trooped to the library with the stoic intention of studying-- but then of course I haaad to drift off to the (albeit dilapidated, dusty, hasn't-been-touched-since-God-knows-when) "Art, Music, Literature" section
so instead of studying we all ended up poring over "From Broadway to Hollywood".
We were born in the wrong place, wrong century, with the wrong names, under the wrong kinds of lights.
We want the Big Apple boomboom, baby; not the big little city with no space for love and limbs.
It was funny- at the end of our one and a half hour study session; our table was strewn with 20th century women's poems, Marilyn Monroe's memoir, theatre books with lots of pictures, diaries......and no trace of a GC or Maths book anywhere.
Oh yeah cuz we're hardcore like that.
Josh: You know you know you know J.H called me "Lisa's gay best friend"!
...But I'm not Lisa's best friend!!!
Cara: ...you mean you're not disputing the "gay" part?
Today was fun.
We played pseudo-touch rugby + snatch-the-sash-from-the-person's-shorts during P.E, and our group (all girls, 'cept Josh, who's like the lone IP Arts man of the house in our circle) was pitted against this group of all guys.
Not. that. girls <<<<>
On the contrary. But then again we aren't exactly the most athletic people around + Lisa was half blind, having not worn her contacts or glasses + Ilyna counts as a baby, really; so if you think about it, we were only 3 normal people + 1 baby + 1 handicapped personage so it wasn't v fair.
But it was so awesome.
I loved the first part, when the game started and all the guys from the opposing team just kinduv lurched towards little old us in unison and we were like "....EEK ATTACK OF THE ZOMBIES MUCH!~"
But all in all; it went pretty well, I reckon. Amrit and I cornered one unfortunate guy and a furious pursuit ensured because he kept dashing away; but eventually I sprinted in on him and forcibly yanked his shirt and Amrit yanked the sash from his shorts with a little too much vigor and his pants almost fell off.
Oops. Sorry.
I love being a girl, though; you can get away with almost anything.
Especially on the playing field.
You get to go all Xena on everyone's arses and the best part is none of the guys dare to touch you!!!
And yes I frequently toe the limit.
Nerdy Specs Day with the DWL, tomorrow.
Current earcandy: AY SEE DEE SEE.
"She was a fast machine
She kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman that I ever seen
She had the sightless eyes
Telling me no lies
Knockin' me out with those American thighs
and you
shook me all night lo-ngggg"
See I figure the world's all right when you've got good friends, good dreams, and rock and roll.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
hello, old friend.
8:40 AM
"you speak...Prada?"---
Shopping today was awesome.
Isn't it always.
Met Lisa at Vivo for lunch, reminisced about good ol' IGGY days ("...do you remember?" "and do you remember?").
Satisfied my inner British patriot with one of today's purchases-- Carol and Lisa looked absolutely mortified when I pulled it off the hanger with a great big enthusiastic "...LOOK!"
One day I should wear my Beatles shirt with the UK flag on it, get those UK leggings from Topshop, borrow Lisa's UK Converses and carry the UK clutch I saw and walk out on the streets on National Day like one big Union Jack.
Oh, and.
Lisa and I have pinpointed where Shahab shops.
...He's everywhere!!!
Lisa got an oversized striped pullover, Carol almost got a blazer-type-linen thing, and I almost got a lot of things but also did actually get a lot of things.
Isla Fisher moments today = many many.
I saw this on the plane coming back from Australia and thought: "...I have been watched."
On the bright side, though; I resisted temptation and didn't buy that silk wrap dress I was tempted to get today.
On the not-so-bright-side; I think I'm going back next Sunday to get it.
...Cara, listen to me. You will not- and I repeat, will not- get the cuff and matching shoes and headband that would lyk lolol omg ttly complete tt look.
Love ya Lisa and Carol, Lisa you look fine/better than fine, actually in glasses + please save up for a blazer, Carol, please save up for a blazer too and YOU KNOW YOU WANT MY UNION JACK BOYSHORTS.
But you can't have them.
They're miiine.
Till next time, y'all.
13 days. (:
Thursday, July 9, 2009
hello, old friend.
2:32 AM
re: our torrid affair with the written word.
Today was spent kicking back in the canteen with Amrit, Lisa, and Carol, poring over the words of the twenty-first century subway prophets.
How people can come up with beautiful, scintillating, ridiculous, nonsensical, amazing, INFINITE things like that - I'll never know.
Though I suppose the pot probably helps.
Spent an hour and a half laughing over each other's elbows and arms and knees and calling out the words on the flickering laptop screen; much to the annoyance of everyone else in the canteen. (Sorry. Didn't mean to disrupt your Khemistree revision.)
Read out bits and pieces and every once in a while would stop to roll the words over our tongues. Who needs food?
"...Decadent." She savours the word; rolls it in her mouth like wine. "Don't you just love the sound of it? Dehhhcadent. So beautiful."
"it makes me think of dark velvet, and chocolate, and pearls against bronzed skin,"
"...'Decadent and broken-down'. I think that's the most beautiful combination in the world. Can't you imagine it? All those handsome, swarthy, catastrophic John Deans."
"Dehhhcadent. Yes. It's beautiful."
Some days words are the only things that save.
These were a few of our favourites:
"What the hell is that?" I laughed.
"It's my fox hat."
"Your fox hat?"
"Yeah, Pudge. My fox hat."
"Why are you wearing your fox hat?" I asked.
"Because no one can catch the motherfucking fox."
"I found myself thinking about President William McKinley, the third American president to be assassinated. He lived for several days after he was shot, and towards the end, his wife started crying and screaming, "I want to go too! I want to go too!"
And with his last measure of strength, McKinley turned to her and spoke his last words:
"We are all going.""
(John Green also obviously was in acquaintance with Amrit, because:)
"Talking to a drunk person was like talking to an extremely happy, severely brain-damaged three-year-old."
(Lisa read this one and went: "Cara!!!". Yeah because this is the decision: to live fast and die young)
"I may die young, but at least I'll die smart."
"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane. "
"On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time."
"You're awfully philosophical for a girl that just got busted."
"But ultimately I do not believe that she was only matter. The rest of her must be recycled, too. I believe now that we are greater than the sum of our parts."---
And our alltime favourite, the one we yelled out loudest of all, right there in the middle of all the grey in another school in another suburban neighbourhood in another part of another island in our great giant revolving Life-Giving sphere....:
"The Colonel led all the cheers.
"Cornbread!" he screamed.
"CHICKEN!" the crowd responded.
And then, all together: "WE GOT HIGHER SATs."
"Hip Hip Hip Hooray!" the Colonel cried. "YOU'LL BE WORKIN' FOR US SOMEDAY!""
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
hello, old friend.
4:12 AM
"the only people for me are the mad ones,
the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved,
desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing,
but burn, burn, burn
like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars"
Thank you everybody for the love-leaving. (:
Good friendships and pink leather and Rilo Kiley and worn paperbacks make the world seem that much brighter.
HURRAH it's half of the week down.
I measure my week by benchmark days. On Monday it's put your head down and bulldoze through it, on Tuesday it's almost Wednesday, on Wednesday it's half the week down!, on Thursday it's almost Friday, on Friday it's get through this and you'll be at the weekend, on Saturday it's woohoo it's the weekend, on Sunday it's okay get ready for Monday again.
Usual DWL madness again, today.
I swear somedays this insanity is the only thing that keeps me sane.
Carol: ...because lionesses Do It twenty times a day.
Leonard: ?!
Carol: Yeah. Each lion does it twenty times with each lioness.
Leonard: How the hell d'you know all this, Carol?!
Carol: I watch National Geographic!
Leonard: Oh yeah? What-- "Wild Sex"?
Carol: Oh you know that Christian rock band? Lonely Planet, was it, or Shaking Planet?
Josh: -____- It's Planet Shakers.
Carol: *headdesk*
Josh: You mean you mean Christina Aguilera was PREGNANT?!
Josh: ...she was pregnant?!
Cara: :O You mean you didn't know?! But she was pregnant for so long!!!
All: *momentary silence*
Lisa: Nine months, Cara. Nine months.
Okay now, I'm off.
Have to go write a synopsis of the H1N1 pandemic (damn swine), memorize my emceeing script for Vivo this Saturday, compile my Maths, revise the new Econs chapter on Imperfect Market Structures, read up my History notes and then congratulate myself on surviving 11 years thus far as a Singaporean Student
because it's a FEAT, believe me
and honestly? the Olympics ain't got nothing on us.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
hello, old friend.
4:06 AM
"stick at it like a benni addict"
So...Today wasn't such a great day.
Don't get me wrong.
It's not as if anything epically catastrophical happened. No bang in the sky, no sudden falling out of the floor beneath my feet, no flash of white light and crash of thunder.
Just the quiet, unspectacular return to the mundane regime that I'd almost put to the back of my mind;
and I'm beginning to realize that when I return,
this greyness will be terrifying.
Some days it gets hard to breathe.
It's too small in here, too concrete city claustrophobic and it's like clawing your way up past leagues of ocean water, lungs burning, only to have your fingers touch the surface and realize it's turned to ice.
At one point today I even asked myself if it was worthwhile going; if that meant everything would be so much harder when I came back. The old visit-Heaven-for-a-day allegory. Pondered if maybe, maybe, maybe....
but then I tried envisioning myself NOT going- and I couldn't.
Not after everything.
And I don't want to look back and think "...that could have been the Perfect Summer- and I missed it because I was afraid of getting hurt."
Today during the Council Investiture they sang this self-composed song that was pretty cheesy but also pretty cute; in the whole let's-link-arms-and-sway-out-of-syncedly way; and then one line jumped out at me
"don't cry because it's over;
smile because it happened"
...Okay. Must confess that initially I did cringe a little when I heard it, but. But then I thought about it, and realized that it actually kinda did make sense.
But whatever.
If it comes down to Head vs Heart; ...Head, you've gotta win!!!
Plus I know I've got an amazing support system over here- yay DWL + cell kids + other awesome individuals- and I'm going to put a big damn smile on my face and MEAN it because it's only 18 days to takeoff and I should be the happiest girl in the world right now.
Sometimes I wish I didn't think so much.
Would make Life a whoooole lot easier.
Strength, little girl; strength and hope and grace and joy.
People go on.
People go on.
People go on.
"-- but that's all right because now everything'll be all right & we'll soothe the forever boys & girls & before we're thru we'll find a name for this Goddam Golden Eternity & tell a story too-"
Monday, July 6, 2009
hello, old friend.
9:18 AM
"it's the little things"
Today was damnably awesome.
Hola, summer!
Pics on FB, add me and look for yourselves, too tired to put them up here now.
Love you Amrit, Jess, you girls made my day.
I'm just here to expostulate about the latest, by far the weirdest! Little Thing.
So I was on FB doing a Note, yeah, and this one required me to go on UrbanDictionary.com and type in my name for its definition.
I got a lotta stuff.
Like, apparently, Cara is:
- the best name in the world
- a little Scottish island
- a wonderful girl who looks exotic and is a great person to me around. They also aren't a stalker, but is very good with guys. (yay y'all, I aren't a stalker see)
- the spanish translation of face
- etc.
And then I scroll to No.16 for "definitions of Cara", and this is what I see.
"No.16: Cara.
Joe, it is why you should stay...because she is awesome
"Cara is awesome" "
...and my mind just goggles at the screen for all of fifteen seconds
before I collect myself enough to go back on MSN and tell Joe and get a response like "O________________O"
Okay 'fess up who's been stalking us!!!!
*shifty eyes all around*
And now, just cuz I've got nothing to do...free UD definitions for the people I UDed. I didn't even make any spelling edits (twas painful, mind!); just so y'all get the whole benefit of the UrbanDictionary experience.
name given to someone who is mishevious, expects lots of attention, but is very caring and loving. Sometimes abbriviated to turnip.....
A super hot computer nerd who is funny, sarcastic, and a bit of a bad ass.
Damn! That mathlete is so hot, he must be a Joshua!
Simply the greatest name ever. Only the smartest. most athletic, best looking, coolest and all round greatest guys are called Joe.
"My name is Joe. You know that means i rule!"
An intelligent and sexy female with LUSCIOUS physical features. Usually attracts weird guys named David who do absolutely NOTHING for her, but she still remains independent.
(ooh, Lisa. Who's David?)
Originally a Goddess of beauty, creativity, passion and wisdom. To be "Amrit" can also mean to be sentimental and reminiscent. To be "lacking an Amrit" means to be depressed or unhappy. "Amrits" are rare pieces of total happiness.
1."I feel like crying, I just lost an Amrit."
2."I'm so happy, I've found an Amrit!"
The other name for a "Legendary Hot Female from North Yorkshire"
"Steve: Wow that girls a right Jess, I'd Tap That
Ed: Oh Hell Yeah me Too."
A beautiful intelligent human being that doesn't take anyone's bullshit. A great shoulder to cry on, an excellent listener. A woman who knows what she wants and would do anything she could to help her friends out.
"I had a bad day. I need a Toni."
A short, fiery red-headed female extraordinarily good at busting a guy's balls.
Deborah's are usually sophisticated, witty, intelligent with a great sense of humour. Other women are usually jealous of Deborah's and men want her. "Woah... I met this fantastic woman in this classy art gallery on the weekend her name must be 'Deborah'"
has been known to drink to much tequila- if this occurs she may do some/all of the following: belt out disney tunes, lose touch with reality, may talk about awesome expansion packs, or bleed profusely from the elbow. may also have trouble catching fun sized butterfingers when chucked at her face.
A very very very, yet again, very sexy pancake.
"That tyler was dilicious"
Ohhhh, move over Oxford, move over Cambridge-- UrbanDictionary's where it's at.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
hello, old friend.
6:18 AM
I kinda miss this
and this
...even though both were waaaaaay unglam and we looked like we were tipsy the whole damn time.
It's been a year and everything has changed.
Miss you, Summer '08.
C'mon in, Summer '09.
hello, old friend.
1:56 AM
"i'm feeling rough i'm feeling raw i'm in the prime of my life
let's make some music make some money get some models for wives;"
Applause Please.
Today I went to cell group for the first time in aaaaages!
(*standing ovation goes here*)
And it was nice.
Maybe that's partly because we're not a very cell kinduv cell. I mean- we were all talking and laughing, and Moses was chasing Jared around on a stolen wheelchair.
But; idk. There's just something about being with those kidz- when we're all squished on one couch and shoulder to shoulder, and Conan's glaring at Jared from behind one floppy fringe and June's glowing and Manda's making some crazyass funny comment and the guys're bumming around and Debbie's staring at her new six inch black heels and matching dark nails.
The thing is, I've realized, most people see Jesus as this stuck up, bearded, religious prude who went around prophecying and doing freaky healing and saying really serious stuff.
...but now, I'm beginning to think that maybe-- maybe he wasn't. Maybe in the modern day context he'd be just like us-- kicking back against the couch in the grungey old jeans he rescued from the bin after Mary threw them there and a coupluv wristbands and an old bandshirt.
But there'd be something else about him.
Something that'd make people sit up and take notice.
Something that'd make people go "...hey, this guy has something to say. I'm going to hear him out."
So yeah.
We went for lunch at Wisma, and apparently I remind Manda of Isla Fischer, a la Confessions of A Shopaholic.
Woo yeah cuz I always land deep roles like that.
Cara: "oh, oh, oh, look at that baaaaag..." *gravitates*
June: *catches the collar of my coat and drags me back* "No. Cara, no. You're broke, remember?"
Cara: "No I'm not!"
June: "Uh huhhh."
Cara: "I'm not! I DO have money. Just not here, and not right now..."
Conan: "Hey look, cool sunglasses in Aldo" *walks in*
Cara: "Ooh..." *gravitates*
Deb: "CONAN now look what you've done!!!!"
Maybe I should take a cue from Becky Bloomwood and scout out a Shopaholics Anonymous. ): I swear, it's scary, I don't know where all my money goes and every time I go out it's like the things in the shop windows entice "buuuuyyyy meeee....."
So it's not my fault, you guys.
I love our cell.
Deb's reaction when she saw The Doomed Picture: ...classic.
Oh and Manda i'm not sure if I want to go for Lady GaGa any more. :/
My brother has been singing Poker Face for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT.
It's worse than water torture!
"muh muh muh muh"
me: *yells from upstairs* "shut! upppp!!!"
It is truly. horrible.
It's like living in the same house as a Tibetan monk. With a speech impediment.
...So can you imagine going for the concert and being bumped and jostled against 1230982309809 Tibetan monks with the same speech impediments and no pants and too much glitter eyeliner?
So, like. I've been keeping really weird hours lately.
Maybe it's a belated manifestation of CT stress but zomg. I've been waking up at the oddest hours and not being hungry at the right times and getting sleepy in the middle of the day
I'm turning into a vampire!
DWL outing the other day was fun, despite there only being three people.
I quote Josh's blog:
We roamed Orchard in Funky Hats and Coloured Contacts.
As I headed to Starbucks with my phone ringing in my hands, I crept up behind Joan Pang who was desperately and literally peering to find me because I told her I was already in town. While waiting for Cara and Amrit we played with my itouch like some noobs who were exposed to technology for the first time. Then came the mysterious woman in the straw hat and weird dress. (Refer to diagram below)
... to what extent does Cara's runway style of dressing make her mysterious? (9marks)"
A little too long spent studying for Geog, J?
We were lonely like that cuz the rest of the DWL weren't there; so we got Ily to be a stuffed bear, Amrit to be a stuffed monkey, and Lisa to be a half-drunk-up green tea frap.
Ohhh yeah. We roll three-people-two-stuffed-toys-and-a-melted-frap deep, yo.
...Okay, coloured contacts.
WHAT. AN. ORDEAL. Helping Joan put them in for the first time? = not fun!
It took us about an HOUR to finally take Joan's retinal virginity.
So look. at the pics. and appreciate the new brown sparkle in her newly brown eye.
Because that sparkle took an hour of eye-prodding and a whooole lotta multi-purpose eye solution to get down pat.
Yeah, so.
Tomorrow: sunbathing with the girls, hopefully the weather's great.
I'm getting my tan back. I don't think I ever want to be Tan, Version: Canoeing Days Of Yore; but I've been starting to look a bit like a Cullen so I'd better do something before I start to sparkle in the sunlight.
Ta, y'all.