Tuesday, November 17, 2009
hello, old friend.
7:11 AM
Yippeekayay; jettin' to El Ayy.
Okay, so last day in Singapore for...a while.
Lawd; I am gonna need mad caffeine to blitz through the next month! Then again, L.A.'s home of the Starbucks trend so that shouldn't be a problem.
I brought some weather appropriate clothes, and lots of hats and bangles, and eyeliner. And (yes, Lisa) my heeled boots. And also this disgustingly clunky Timberland pair that my mum insists IS mine but I know they're not!!! For one, my foot only takes up about 2/3 of the shoe...
I think I must've accidentally snitched them off Joe during Summer or something because DAMMIT THEY ARE NOT MINE they're, like, the size of those Eskimo tennis racket shoes they cover about a third of the length of my leg. :/
Have also brought along the 10098302983209 revision packages that we've gotta do for school...which I am probably not going to finish anyway but I'm bringing them along still. Just to feel productive.
I'm gonna miss everyone back home, though.
Manda- Why aren't you going to L.A sooner! Then we could totally meet up and devise plots and plans to stop my sister from going on a statewide Sel Gomez Huntdown.
Carol- ...Breathe. :D I'm looking forward to our long overdue shopping trip. Only by the time I come back, I'll probably be bankrupt...
Di- Di Dangerous and Cara Clandestine. Lookin' forward to it, darling.
Toni- you are officially a Top 3 Percentile genius, and I think your plan is tres awesome, and I'll give the original Fantastic Four (who're way less cool than us, btw) a salute at Universal Studios when I see them.
Yes, Lisa, I will not sprain my ankle in my heeled boots, thank you. I run across the road in skyhigh heels, dammit. I can DOO this. A little faith?!
...That aside; stay alive for a bit cuz we're rooming together for le Humans Trip! And then after that, have lots of fun in Greece and bring back an Adonis. Also give my regards to the Lady Artemis.
Josh, I promise to get Tisdale's autograph if I see her.
...Yes, and Selena Gomez.
Yes, and...and Miley Cyrus.
...Yes, Josh. Yes, I will also get Demi Lovato's autograph for you if I see her in La La Land even if I have to make her sign it in blood and fedex it over to Get Back to you because ohhh Here We Go Again.....
...now shush and go watch your Disney Channel. :D
Joe- I will finally be among people who pronounce things correctly. Like me.
...I may also miss you, a little bit.
RAWR EXXCITING this month's going to whizz past and oh WOW I'm going to die next year but I figure I might as well enjoy it while this lasts.
Because I only get to be seventeen once. And come next year I will be 18, and therefore ancient.
Also very busy with A Levels.
...But for now; I'm young, alive, loved- and have the holidays to live up.
Till I get back, y'all.
Love you guys.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
hello, old friend.
5:22 AM
"but what about the african people?"
Notes from 2nd HMUN training
As recorded by Elizabeth Fong, NJC, ECOFIN, Serial Number 16797823Z:
i. Global Currency: Yes, or No?
ii. South Korea+Aid to North Korea
iii. Missile Defence Systems: euphemism for "if we go to war, I will own you, so you better give me the better end of the trading stick NOW."
Forget about the LEDC-MEDC braindrain- what about mine?
Starbucks session on Saturday planned, with Lisa. We will finish our position papers, dammit. We will UNDERSTAND and GRASP.
I miss being the delegation of North Korea, as per ASEAN DHS 2009.
Stand up during unmoderated caucus and give an absolutely circular, unjustified statement?
...Hey, at least we're talking now. (Next stop: Six Party talks.)
Choose to spend the rest of the session evil-eyeing the U.S of A and not saying anything at all?
...Buggers should be grateful we've not walked out of this razzmatazz. As per earned reputation.
We have CHINA. Whose local population pwnz rest of the world's, therefore = automatic WIN.
And if someone serves us bad crepes at teatime/slams our resolution/slams the Great Leader/wants to put MORE sanctions on the caviar?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
hello, old friend.
7:08 AM
O-P is O-VER
Two exams in a day.
That's gotta be a record of some sort, right?
...oh yeah I forgot; we live in Asia.
So Higher Chinese wasn't as bad as I'd expected. I finished the second paper at 12:15, then capped up all my pens and zipped up my pencil case and sat there waiting expectantly for the invigilators to come around and collect our papers. Got some funny looks; and then looked at the screen again and realized that only the Chinese people end at 12:15. Higher Chinese people get till 12:45.
So I sat there, rechecked my answers, and then swung-leg and wrote poetry in the margins and doodled sketches of the Rolleston's tattoo-to-be. (because that's in Chinese, so it counts)
OP was fun/ny.
I think we all went a little bit crazy after it ended- WJ was bouncing up and down and so was Carol and I was making paper planes from my scripts and intending to fly them off the school tower.
"...to represent our hopes and dreams!!"
Cue weird looks from the rest of the group. And then Carol, "...Cara. There're only 2 Science kids here. THEY'RE the ones with the Hopes And Dreams. Not us."
...Poppycock sez I!
I have hopes and dreams too. Like, um. To live in Stratford as a starving thespian and sell bits of poetry in jamjars and have lots of love and laughter and candlelight.
...at least. That's what the Movie Me would do.
The Real Me realized that sending my paper planes aloft from the school tower probably wouldn't settle very well. Because it would be just like Life to hand me detention on the day OP ended. So I didn't.
Another reason why I didn't: I was hanging off the balcony ledge, dangling one of my paper planes; ...and then Xu Yang looked over and, with an expression of slight disdain, went, "...You shouldn't bother. Yours won't fly."
Oh gee, thanks, Physicz Kid. So it's You and Gravity Vs Me And Paper Plane, hm?
On another note; ...V.Bunny, darling.
I hope you feel better soon.
Because you deserve a strong, shining man not a
glorifed limpet.
And on another another note.
...I don't have to go to school tomorrow YAY
for the first time in eons; because although school technically ended two weeks ago, what with HMUN and PW and HCL, we've all been going back to school almost everyday.
So tomorrow I will have a long, earned lie-in. And then I will swim. And then I will finish up the OEP packing list, plan what to say for the briefing, and then get started on my HMUN position paper.
So much to do. I mean- honestly- what holiday? I'm away, effectively, for almost a month in total. And then Oly Poly Stone (WJ's creation, not mine)'s coming down and we're going to live infinitely and I don't think living infinitely constitutes calculating limits on my GC...ugh damn but am going to have to do it anyway; I know that.
And then school starts and as a kind of "Welcome Back; This Year You Will DIE" gift, we get a Math test on the 6th, on eeeverything that's been tested this year. Which I basically slogged my arse off for and still got a D ; so you can imagine what's gonna happen when I don't have time to study.
OH WELL c'est la vie.
We can practice Math together, hm, Rolleston? You pump iron; I'll count your reps.
We'll start with the basics.
3 + 7 = ..?
Speaking of numbers. I should get back to compiling the OEP packing list.
Mum, when she heard I was asked to do up the packing list: "...You? Packing list? You're the last person they should ask!"
Cara: "Yeah, like. 'Okay, y'aaaall, so, like, remember to bring your cute shoes, and your mascara, and ofc eyelinerrr...' "
Mum: " '...aaand, like, make sure, it's, like, waterproof and all...' "
...Okay look am not that much of a lost case.
Thermal leggings, flannels, jeans ( oh D: ), boots, poncho.
I can think Basics, too.
Monday, November 9, 2009
hello, old friend.
4:50 AM
Okay, so the world's dead and/or M.I.A 'cept Lisa; who banged into TA31 today with a scowl and the snuffles and a packet of strawberry marshmallows.
I miss everyone. Plans- oh yeah yeah yeah, my foot.
...Yeah; another manic Monday. So much to do, and 2 exams tomorrow. Plan briefing, plan packing list, organize OEP booklet, SH Humans Open House proposal, InR, read up for Legal Com...
whoamg my head.
Okay can do this will do this.
Also, B.F.G.
Am on FB Newsfeed now, and just...what, sorry?
Darling- the only fan you've got s'on the ceiling.
So don't flatter yourself; and don't charter the jet before you hit your platinum.
Also- please don't call. I won't pick up.
You're not the only one who's killed that dream.
I had to do that too- hold it down like a sleeping baby and smother it with a pillow.
See- Walt Disney had something going when he said dreams come true but more than often, common sense wins out.
GOODNESSGRACIOUS I'm becoming quite the Thomas Hardy.
Minus the award winning novel.
Okay this is my cue to sign off.
Am not actually sad. Just weird. But we all already knew that.
Happy Week, world.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
hello, old friend.
6:18 AM
I don't know why I bought sundresses and turquoise and thin silk and anklets today.
I am not going on a beach holiday- I'm going to 7deg, 2deg, and -7deg celcius places respectively, dammit.
Oh well.
I can always turn up the lights and blast the central heating and make believe, can't I?
Ten more days till we fly off to L.A.
I still haven't started packing yet. Grr. I hate packing. I always end up packing all the pretty stuff and forgetting half the important stuff.
I still say best strategy= conveniently forget everything, and go there and stock up.
Note to self: invest in calling cards before we leave. No way in Hades I'm repeating my Epic Phonebill Incident again.
Even if they DID send me a Red Prestige VIP card because of that.
Or, as they put it- my "extensive patronization of their telecommunication services".
I still laugh whenever I think of it. What a story.
I think it was worth it.
The world has gone M.I.A lately.
...Things'll be better once PW OP ends.
Once Higher Chinese ends.
Once the math test on 6th January (why do you do these things to me) ends.
Once Prelims end.
Once A Levels end.
...once my life ends?
Am starting to see a trend, here.
Don't you all want to live while you're still seventeen?
This post is incoherent, but it's basically been a goodish day and I've got InR to finish so adieu, Blogger, will come back when I've got more words and more sense.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
hello, old friend.
7:53 AM
Today has been up down and in between.
1. Up:
Thank you, Jesus.
2. Down:
Let it go like you said you would.
3. In between:
more Downtown time at Holland Village.
I went to get my hair done, because Mum wanted to get me cheered up, and Uncle Derrick gave me soft curls at the end of it and I went around for the next hour or so feeling as light and floaty as my hair.
He asked me how many boyfriends I had.
I said one.
He asked for a picture.
I showed it to him.
He gave a slight start and went, "...white??"
and I laughed.
My boyfriend could be green with tangerine polka dots for all I care, and I'd still love him. (and laugh at him maybe, but just a little bit)
People are amusing little individuals sometimes.
Spent the rest of the day doing Chinese, looking at pretty pictures in soft focus and melancholy light, and watching old black and white videos.
I'm not as upset over It now as some people probably think I should be. I think the rain has a way of washing away things, and today's rain was nice...just the soft, insistent kind. The kind that traps you at home but you don't mind so much because it doesn't feel so much of being trapped as being protected. Like when I was little and whenever it rained I would make a nest out of duvets and lie there in that cool, dark, safe warmth feeling like nothing could reach me.
Long jaunt around town with Lisa, yesterday.
Icecream cones and velvety memories, intimate secrets.
We talked about how scary it is that now everyone's growing up and next year will be exceptionally strange because next year we'll have to stare the Future straight in the eye. And about how much we've all changed since the end of last year; since the start of this year. How some of us have lost a little bit of innocence of spirit, and some of us- wildness of heart.
And it's sad; how we're never going to get those little girls back.
But I guess when it comes down to it, everyone's always reinventing. And as much as I think I'm old sometimes (we were around when Westlife and Boys 2 Men were still cool, dammit. We were around when MJ died. And when Hi Five was THE original Hi Five), I'm only seventeen, and like Joe said- I shouldn't be afraid of the Me Down The Road; because she won't be a complete stranger, 'cause she'll just be a gradual evolution of all my gradual evolutions.
Lisa and I also talked about how everything eventually fades, and we all eventually move on.
How after a while, we'll look back and wonder if we dreamed up all of this.
I don't want that.
Stupid Alzheimer's of the heart.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
hello, old friend.
1:10 AM
"we are the monsters underneath your bed"
So yesterday's party was pretty much awesome.
re: The Fourckers Bite Back- Halloween Edition.
I made Jello because nobody trusted me to make elf bread. ):
When Divij and I walked into Carol's house; the first thing that happened --> we got roped into the kitchen to peel apples.
"How many apples?"
So we turned it into a competition.
I won, for the record. And no, Xu Yang- I did NOT whittle down 1 apple to 1/2 an apple in the process. You're just biased cuz you think you can chop celery so damn well don't think I don't know.
I can be domesticated if I want to.
Only I got laughed at by Carol, because I was trying to help her with her recipe for making cinnamon filling- and following what was printed on the page, I went and rummaged for a tablespoon in the cutlery drawer, and a glass cup from IKEA in the cupboard.
...Apparently when cookbooks say "1 cup" and "1 tbsp"-- they mean SPECIAL cups and SPECIAL tablespoons. That look nothing like proper cups and tablespoons to begin with.
And then I got laughed at AGAIN because she asked me to pour out 1/2 a cup of brown sugar, only the brown sugar was all hard and packed together, so I tried to break it up into little bits with the nearest thing I could find.
Carol: *picks up packet of brown sugar* *surveys it* :I ....Cara. Why are there chopper marks all over the packet?
Cara: ...Uhhh.
Well, sssssorry. Yan Can Cook but Cara Sure Can't.
Pumpkin (with no pumpkin eyes; I'm sorry!), Wednesday Addams, Lolita, Charlie, Witch In Trash Bag ;), Devil, Chang Er, Fairy Princess, Chinese Ghost, Circusmaster.
We're so cool. 8D
I swear we all acted more seven than seventeen; but it was fan-friggin'-tastic. Kudos to the Bean and Tracy for being such awesome GMs, and to Carol for hands down being the most. dedicated hostess. ever. I swear. That girl churned out like 12309820938098899 pies and don't even GET ME STARTED on the cinnamon rolls with orange frosting.
...Which, by the way, were absolutely delish; and aaaaalmost as good as my Jello. ;)
The scene from Flowers For Algernon went pretty great, too; if punctuated throughout by catcalls and cries of "...boo Charlieeee"/ "Charlie is a bastard!" and "closer! closer!!".
Can't accuse THIS audience of not being engaged.
Gwen would make a very good Special Child.
I'd almost forgotten how much I love acting, and the way the Moment just takes you!
...And this time round, it took me so wholly that I forgot all about our agreement to stage slap, and ended up giving Divij one loud, resounding one across the cheek.
Overheard, later on--
Divij, to Quyen, while rubbing his cheek: ...Wow. The first time I got slapped by a girl.
Quyen: *unintelligible mumble here*
Divij: And on my birthday, too!
Poor guy.
...Sorry, birthday boy!
We are all veritable Picassos.
Trick or Treating-- we have some verrry proficient liars in our class. ;)
And XUYANG AND KAIYUAN HAHAHA oh my word. Futures at Paree Fahshion Week, anyone?
From RJ's blog:
" (During Shoot Shag Marry)
Divij: Shoot Wenjia! Shag….Cara.
Janice: Of course I will shoot that guy, he’s my good friend what! So weird to shag/marry a good friend!
Serene: Huh, so you’ll shoot a good friend??
Wenjia: …I don’t want to be Janice’s good friend.
Is that why you chose to shoot me Divij? Cause we’re good friends! :D
Divij: Yeah! Yeah! That’s why!
Cara: *realizes* !! But, then… :( "
Sitting around the mahogany table afterwards, everyone with a fork in hand and RJ determinedly/plaintively/desperately plowing into the oreo cheesecake ("...must finish! cannot waste!") and playing Shoot Shag Marry and being stupid and silly and funny and Together.
Silent nods to One Absent Friend. You'll be in our prayers.
...and all that's missing = Old School playing, on loop, in the background.
You guys make me feel like glowsticks and sparklers.